Im Studio von FAR HORIZONS entstehen 2 Live DVD im Bluesrock Bereich! Aufzeichung August 2016 in Süddeutschland
DVD 2. Big Daddy Wilson, singer, songwriter from Edenton, North Carolina, USA.
Wilson left Carolina back in 1979, joined the US Army and shortly thereafter was sent to Germany. He proudly served his country for 7 years. After his service he decided to stay in Germany – that is where Wilson for the first time was introduced to this beautiful music called the “Blues“. “I didn’t know anything about the Blues, I didn’t know what it was, but it was mixed in my blood, ‘cause it was calling my name LOUD and CLEAR.” Wilson answered that call, and he’s been singing the Blues ever since that night. Yes, Wilson met the Blues in a small, smokey club in North Germany. During the past 20 plus years, Wilson toured all over the world. In over 15 different countries he had the privilege to sing his songs in many clubs, theaters, festivals, radio and TV.